# Adding Kickstand UI to a Vue.js Project

# Adding Components


This is an adaptation from the Stencil documentation (opens new window).

In order to use Kickstand UI within your Vue app, the application must be modified to define the custom elements and to inform the Vue compiler which elements to ignore during compilation. This can all be done within the main.js file.

Assuming you’ve run npm install --save kickstand-ui beforehand, you import the components into the main.js file by

  1. importing the node module
  2. telling Vue to ignore the custom element tags (see https://vuejs.org/v2/api/#ignoredElements)
  3. binding the Kickstand UI components to the window object
import Vue from 'vue';
import App from './App.vue';

import 'kickstand-ui/dist/kickstand-ui/kickstand-ui.css';
import { applyPolyfills, defineCustomElements } from 'kickstand-ui/loader';

Vue.config.productionTip = false;

// Tell Vue to ignore all Kickstand UI components 
// (all components prefixed with "ks-")
Vue.config.ignoredElements = [/ks-\w*/];

// Bind the custom elements to the window object
applyPolyfills().then(() => {

new Vue({
  render: h => h(App)

Kickstand UI components should now be available in any of your Vue components.

# Using SASS


If you are using SASS, you do not need to import the CSS file as it is outlined above.

# Configuring Your Project

If your app was created using Vue CLI, adding SASS support is as easy as installing sass-loader:

npm install -D sass-loader sass

If you don't already have a main app.scss or styles.scss file, it is highly recommend that you create one and import it into the src/main.js file (it's a good idea to create a separate scss folder in src and add the global style there - src/scss/styles.scss):

import 'scss/styles.scss';

Then import the Kickstand UI files into the global styles file:

@import '~kickstand-ui/src/scss/styles';