# Contact Form

In this guide you will see how to easily create forms, add validation, and get form data.

# Create a contact Form

The contact form will have the following requirements:

Field Requirements
Name required
Email required, email validation
Phone Number optional, must follow the pattern XXX-XXX-XXXX
Comments required, multi-line free-form text field

Translating those requirements into code is actually pretty straight forward with Kickstand UI.

    <ks-form-field label="Name" required></ks-form-field>
    <ks-form-field label="Email" type="email" required></ks-form-field>
    <ks-form-field label="Phone Number" name="phoneNumber" help-text="XXX-XXX-XXXX" type="tel" pattern="[0-9]{3}-[0-9]{3}-[0-9]{4}" pattern-error-message="Must be in the XXX-XXX-XXXX format"></ks-form-field>
    <ks-form-field label="Comment" type="textarea" required></ks-form-field>
    <ks-button type="submit">Submit</ks-button>

# Getting Form Values

Now that we have the form set up, we need to get the form data to submit to the server. The form emits a submitted event when the user clicks the submit button or presses enter. That event also emits the form data as well as the form validation information.

$('#contact_form').on('submitted', (event) => {
    alert(JSON.stringify(event.detail, null, 2));

If we submit the form without filling out any fields, we will see the following data in the console:

    isValid: false,
    formData: {...}
    formFieldData: [...],

# Form Data

The formData property is a summary <ks-form-field> input values. Property name is derived automatically from the label property. You can set this to a custom value using the name property on the <ks-form-field> element.

formData: {
    name: "",
    email: "",
    phoneNumber: "",
    comment: ""

# Form Field Data

When we expand the formFieldData array, we will see some great information about each of our fields. For example, let's take a look at the first field in the array. It should be for the "Name" field.

    isValid: false,
    name: "name",
    validity: {...},
    value: undefined

Most of this is fairly straight forward, but there are a few things we should know. The first is that the name field is derived automatically from the label property. You can set this manually using the name property.

The second thing you should know is that the validity object is validation data provided by HTML 5 form validation. This should help give you a better idea of why the field is invalid.

    badInput: false
    customError: false
    patternMismatch: false
    rangeOverflow: false
    rangeUnderflow: false
    stepMismatch: false
    tooLong: false
    tooShort: false
    typeMismatch: false
    valid: false
    valueMissing: true

In this example, we can see that the field is invalid because valueMissing is true. In other words, a required field does not have a value. To learn more about these properties and how they are set, checkout this great documentation (opens new window).

# Working With Your Data

Now that we have the form data, we can use it however we need. As a quick example we will check if the form is valid, and if it is, send it to the server.

$('#contact_form').on('submitted', (event) => {
    const contactForm = event.detail;

    fetch('https://example.com/profile', {
        method: 'POST', // or 'PUT'
        headers: {
            'Content-Type': 'application/json',
        body: JSON.stringify(contactForm.formData),


This guide uses the Kickstand UI DOM utilities to help keep the code clean and easy to read.