# Z-Index Design Tokens

This is usually on of the most obvious and yet most comical implementations to talk about. When asking developers how they handle z-indexes in their application, the most common answer is to set the value to 9999. If that doesn't work, continue adding a 9 on the end until it does. Having a repeatable pattern and process for this should help remove this behavior as well as some of the unpredictability of your application.

To take advantage of these values there is a z-index mixin (opens new window).

$z-indexes: (
    sub: -1,
    none: 0,
    xxs: 1,
    xs: 10,
    sm: 50,
    md: 100,
    lg: 200,
    xl: 500,
    trump: 99999,
) !default;
:root {
    --ks-z-index-sub: -1;
    --ks-z-index-none: 0;
    --ks-z-index-xxs: 1;
    --ks-z-index-xs: 10;
    --ks-z-index-sm: 50;
    --ks-z-index-md: 100;
    --ks-z-index-lg: 200;
    --ks-z-index-xl: 500;
    --ks-z-index-trump: 99999;

# Usage


.modal {
    // signature - z-index($size, $important: false)
    // returns   - z-index: {selected z-index CSS variable} !important (if set to "true")

    @include z-index(xl);


.modal {
    z-index: var(--ks-z-index-xl);