# Position Utility Classes

Positioning content and displaying it consistently can be very tricky. Kickstand UI's position utility classes can be used to quickly position content without custom styles.

12 Notification Button
    <ks-badge color="danger" class="position-absolute top-0 right-0 offset-x -offset-y">12</ks-badge>
    Notification Button

The utility classes are designed to provide you with the flexibility of positioning content in a number of positions.

# Position Utilities

The position utility class specifies the type of positioning method (opens new window) used for an element.

Utility Class CSS Rule
position-absolute position: absolute
position-relative position: relative
position-fixed position: fixed
position-sticky position: sticky
position-static position: static

# Location Utilities

Elements are then positioned using the top, bottom, left, and right utility classes. The available locations are 0, 50, and 100 - representing 0%, 50%, and 100% (ex - top-0, bottom-50, right-0, etc.).

<div class="position-relative" style="height:100px;">
    <span class="position-absolute top-0 left-0"></span>
    <span class="position-absolute top-50 left-0"></span>
    <span class="position-absolute bottom-0 left-0"></span>
    <span class="position-absolute top-0 left-50"></span>
    <span class="position-absolute top-50 left-50"></span>
    <span class="position-absolute bottom-0 left-50"></span>
    <span class="position-absolute top-0 right-0"></span>
    <span class="position-absolute top-50 right-0"></span>
    <span class="position-absolute bottom-0 right-0"></span>

# Offset

As you ca see from the example above, things may not always line up exactly the way you want them to or you may want content extend beyond the the container. That's where the offset utility classes come in.

<div class="position-relative" style="height:100px;">
    <span class="position-absolute -offset-x -offset-y top-0 left-0"></span>
    <span class="position-absolute -offset-x -offset-y top-50 left-0"></span>
    <span class="position-absolute -offset-x offset-y bottom-0 left-0"></span>
    <span class="position-absolute -offset-x -offset-y top-0 left-50"></span>
    <span class="position-absolute -offset-x -offset-y top-50 left-50"></span>
    <span class="position-absolute -offset-x offset-y bottom-0 left-50"></span>
    <span class="position-absolute offset-x -offset-y top-0 right-0"></span>
    <span class="position-absolute offset-x -offset-y top-50 right-0"></span>
    <span class="position-absolute offset-x offset-y bottom-0 right-0"></span>

The offset utilities allow you to adjust the position by 50% of the elements width.

Class Result
offset-x will shift it 50% of the element's width to the right.
offset-y will shift it 50% of the element's width down.

Alternately you can shift it the opposite direction by prefixing the it with a dash (-) to indicate -50%:

Class Result
-offset-x shift to the left.
-offset-y shift up.

If you would like to move it both vertically and horizontally, you can combine the classes to get the desired result:

Class Result
offset-x offset-y shift to the right and up.
-offset-x offset-y shift to the left and up.
offset-x -offset-y shift to the right and down.
-offset-x -offset-y shift to the left and down.