# Transition Design Tokens
This set of values is where you can keep track of your transition speeds for your application. Having consistent transitions throughout you application can really give it a polished look and feel.
$transitions: (
xslow: 2s,
slow: 1s,
med: 0.5s,
fast: 0.3s,
xfast: 0.1s,
) !default;
:root {
--ks-transition-xslow: 2s;
--ks-transition-slow: 1s;
--ks-transition-med: 0.5s;
--ks-transition-fast: 0.3s;
--ks-transition-xfast: 0.1s;
# Usage
// Signature - transition($property: all, $speed: fast, $timing-function: ease-in-out, $important: false)
// Returns - transition: $property var(--ks-transition-#{$speed}) $timing-function !important (if $important is true)
.button {
@include shadow(xs);
@include transition(box-shadow);
&:hover:not(:disabled) {
@include shadow(md);
@include transition(box-shadow);
.button {
box-shadow: var(--ks-shadow-sm);
transition: box-shadow var(--ks-transition-fast) ease-in-out;
.button:hover:not(:disabled) {
box-shadow: var(--ks-shadow-md);
transition: box-shadow var(--ks-transition-fast) ease-in-out;