# Adding Kickstand UI to an Angular Project

# Adding Styles

After installing Kickstand UI, adding the styles is fairly straight forward. In your angular.json config file add a reference to the styles before your global styles (that way your custom styles will easily override the default styles):

 "styles": [


If you are using SASS and customizing the default implementation, make sure your project is configured properly for it. The Angular CLI provides some tooling to help with this.

# Angular 6+

ng config schematics.@schematics/angular:component.styleext scss

# Angular < 6

# install the node-sass compiler
npm install node-sass --save-dev

# use Angular CLI to configure the project
ng set defaults.styleExt scss

In your main SASS file, add a reference to Kickstand UI in order to take advantage of tooling that is provided. Make sure it is referenced before your custom styles:

@import '~kickstand-ui/src/scss/styles';

Alternately, you can add a reference to the SASS in the angular.json config file before your global styles (again, so that the default styles can easily be overridden):

 "styles": [

# Adding Components

Using Kickstand UI within an Angular CLI project is a two-step process. You will need to:

  1. Include the CUSTOM_ELEMENTS_SCHEMA in the modules that use the components.
  2. Call defineCustomElements() from main.ts (or some other appropriate place).

# Including the Custom Elements Schema

Including the CUSTOM_ELEMENTS_SCHEMA in the module allows the use of the web components in the HTML markup without the compiler producing errors. This code should be added into the AppModule and in every other modules that use your custom elements.

Here is an example of adding it to AppModule:

import { BrowserModule } from '@angular/platform-browser';
import { CUSTOM_ELEMENTS_SCHEMA, NgModule } from '@angular/core';
import { FormsModule } from '@angular/forms';

import { AppComponent } from './app.component';

  declarations: [AppComponent],
  imports: [BrowserModule, FormsModule],
  bootstrap: [AppComponent],
export class AppModule {}


The CUSTOM_ELEMENTS_SCHEMA needs to be included in any module that uses custom elements.

# Add Components

Import the applyPolyfills() and defineCustomElements() functions from the Kickstand UI loader in your main.ts file and execute them (as shown below) and you can start using Kickstand UI's components just like normal HTML elements.

import { applyPolyfills, defineCustomElements } from 'kickstand-ui/loader';
applyPolyfills().then(() => {