# Alert

Kickstand UI's alert component is designed to provide the user with contextual feedback based on a their actions.

This is a primary alert. This is a secondary alert. This is a success alert. This is a info alert. This is a warning alert. This is a danger alert. This is a light alert. This is a dark alert.
<ks-alert color="primary">
    This is a <b>primary</b> alert.

<ks-alert color="secondary">
    This is a <b>secondary</b> alert.

<ks-alert color="success">
    This is a <b>success</b> alert.

<ks-alert color="info">
    This is a <b>info</b> alert.

<ks-alert color="warning">
    This is a <b>warning</b> alert.

<ks-alert color="danger">
    This is a <b>danger</b> alert.

<ks-alert color="light">
    This is a <b>light</b> alert.

<ks-alert color="dark">
    This is a <b>dark</b> alert.

# Notes

Notes are used for fixed messages that are always visible and used to call out important information the user should be aware of or warned about.

This is a primary note. This is a secondary note. This is a success note. This is a info note. This is a warning note. This is a danger note. This is a light note. This is a dark note.
<ks-alert color="primary" note>
    This is a <b>primary</b> note.

<ks-alert color="secondary" note>
    This is a <b>secondary</b> note.

<ks-alert color="success" note>
    This is a <b>success</b> note.

<ks-alert color="info" note>
    This is a <b>info</b> note.

<ks-alert color="warning" note>
    This is a <b>warning</b> note.

<ks-alert color="danger" note>
    This is a <b>danger</b> note.

<ks-alert color="light" note>
    This is a <b>light</b> note.

<ks-alert color="dark" note>
    This is a <b>dark</b> note.

# Headings

You can add some more structure to your alerts by adding a heading to your using the header property.

This is an alert with a heading. This is an note with a heading.
<ks-alert header="Alert Heading">This is an alert with a heading.</ks-alert>
<ks-alert header="Note Heading" note>This is a note with a heading.</ks-alert>

# Icon

As you can see, alerts have a default icon to provide users who may be unable to distinguish color that the alert is important content. You can change the icon using icon attribute and can choose from the list of Kickstand UI's icons. You can also hide the icon using the hide-icon attribute.

Using Kickstand UI's icons you can change the alert icon to better fit your needs.
<ks-alert header="Change Icon" icon="octagon_warning_fill">...</ks-alert>

# Dismissible

You have the ability to show or hide a selected overlay by setting the dismissible property to true.

Show Alert Something went terribly, terribly wrong!
<ks-button shows="dismissible_alert">Show Alert</ks-button>
<ks-alert id="dismissible_alert" color="danger" header="There Was a Problem" dismissible>
    Something went terribly, terribly wrong!

By default, if the alert is dismissible, it will be hidden initially. If you would like the alert to display, you can add the display property and it will display by default.

I am dismissible and you can see me initially!!!
<ks-alert header="Now You See Me" dismissible display>
    I am dismissible and you can see me initially!!!

# Accessibility

Alerts have role="alert" on the container to signal to assistive technology that they require the user’s immediate attention.

Depending on the color assigned to the warning, it will also change the politeness of the message to screen reader using the aria-live attribute:

Color Politeness
danger and warning "assertive"
all others "polite"

# Accessibility for Notes

Since notes are static containers for calling out important information, role="alert" and aria-live attributes are not set when the note property is true.

# Properties

Property Attribute Type Default Description
color color "danger", "dark", "info", "light", "link", "primary", "secondary", "success", or "warning" 'primary' the color of the button based on the theme color palette
header header string undefined the header text for the alert
note note boolean undefined display alert as a note
icon icon string warning the icon that displays in the alert
hideIcon hide-icon boolean false if true, this will hide the icon
dismissible dismissible boolean false whether or not user can dismiss or hide the alert
display display boolean false if dismissible this will set the initial visibility
closeText close-text string undefined the label for the close button

# Methods

# Hide

Hides a selected alert.

hide() => Promise<void>

# Show

Shows a selected alert.

show() => Promise<void>