# Overlay

Kickstand UI's Overlay component is designed to display content in a layer above your existing content and is a flexible component used to build other components in UI library like the loading, modal, and side drawer components.

Show Overlay Hide Overlay
<ks-button shows="basic_overlay">Show Overlay</ks-button>

<ks-overlay id="basic_overlay">
    <ks-button color="light" hides="basic_overlay">Hide Overlay</ks-button>

# Positioning

By default the overlay will take up the entire viewport. You can isolate the overlay to that specific area by placing the component within the container you are loading and adding the absolute attribute to the component.


The parent container must have the CSS rule position: relative; set. Feel free to take advantage of our position-relative utility class to make it easy.

Show Absolute Overlay Hide Absolute Overlay
<div class="position-relative" style="width:300px; height:150px;">
    <ks-button shows="absolute_overlay">Show Absolute Overlay</ks-button>

    <ks-overlay id="absolute_overlay" absolute>
        <ks-button color="light" hides="absolute_overlay">Hide Absolute Overlay</ks-button>

# Prevent Close

By default, Kickstand UI's overlay can be dismissed using the escape key or clicking the overlay. You have the ability to require users to take a specific action before your modal will close using the prevent-close property. When it is set to true, clicking the overlay or pressing the escape key will not dismiss the modal.

Show Overlay You must click me to close the overlay!
<ks-button shows="prevent_close_overlay">Show Overlay</ks-button>

<ks-overlay prevent-close id="prevent_close_overlay">
    <ks-button color="light" hides="prevent_close_overlay">You must click me to close the overlay!</ks-button>

# Theme

There are both a light and dark theme available for displaying overlays.

Show Light Overlay Show Dark Overlay
<ks-button shows="basic_overlay">Show Overlay</ks-button>

<ks-overlay id="basic_overlay">
    <ks-button color="light" hides="basic_overlay">Hide Overlay</ks-button>

# Showing and Hiding

If you are using the <ks-button> element you can take advantage of the shows and hides properties to open and close any of the components built using the overlay component.

Show Overlay using Button Hide Overlay using Button
<ks-button shows="button_overlay">Show Overlay using Button</ks-button>
<ks-overlay id="button_overlay">
    <ks-button color="light" hides="button_overlay">Hide Overlay using Button</ks-button>

You can also programmatically show and hide overlays. It is as simple as using JavaScript to select the element and call the show() or hide() methods. Here is a simple example that will show the overlay when the button is clicked and hide it after 3 seconds.

Show Overlay

This will close in 3 seconds.
<ks-button id="test_button">Show Overlay</ks-button>
<ks-overlay id="test_overlay">
    <ks-img lazy src="/images/demo/100-percent-michael-scott.png" alt="michael scott thinking">
    let $testButton = document.getElementById('test_button');
    let $testOverlay = document.getElementById('test_overlay');

    // add click event listener to button
    $testButton.addEventListener('click', () => {
        // show loading overlay

        // hide after 3 seconds
        setTimeout(() => $testOverlay.hide(), 3000);

    // using DOM utilities
    let $testOverlay = $('#test_overlay');

    // add click event listener to button
    $('#test_button').on('click', () => {
        // show loading overlay

        // hide after 3 seconds
        setTimeout(() => $testOverlay.hide(), 3000);


# Accessibility

The overlay component has a number of built-in accessibility features to make overlay management easier for you:

  • The overlay has the role="dialog" to help assistive technology identify the overlay's content as being grouped and separated from the rest of the page content.
  • When opened, the focus will be set on the first clickable element within the overlay.
  • The element that triggered the overlay will have the attribute aria-expanded="true" automatically added.
  • When the user tabs, the focus will stay isolated within the overlay to prevent elements outside the overlay from being selected.
  • When the overlay is closed, the focus will go back to the element the user was on before the overlay was opened so they do not lose their place in the document.
  • Once the overlay is closed, the element that triggered the overlay will have the attribute aria-expanded="true" automatically added.
  • The overlay title will be used to label the overlay using the aria-labelledby attribute.
  • The overlay can be closed using the esc key for keyboard users.
  • If you are using the shows and hides controls on the <ks-button> component, the button will automatically be populated with the appropriate aria-haspopup, aria-expanded, and aria-controls attributes on the button.

# Properties

Property Attribute Type Default Description
absolute absolute boolean false Determines whether the overlay is confined to a specific area of the page
preventClose prevent-close boolean false prevents the overlay from closing when it is clicked
theme theme "dark" or "light" 'dark' the color of the overlay
titleId title-id string undefined associates a header or label as a description for the overlay

# Events

Event Description Type
hidden emitted when overlay is hidden CustomEvent<any>
shown emitted when overlay is shown CustomEvent<any>
<ks-overlay id="my_overlay">

    let $myOverlay = document.getElementById('my_overlay');

    $myOverlay.addEventListener('hidden', () => {
        // do something when the overlay closes...

    // with DOM utilities
    $('#my_overlay').on('hidden', () => {
        // do something when the overlay closes...

# Methods

# Hide

Hides a selected overlay.

hide() => Promise<void>

# Show

Shows a selected overlay.

show() => Promise<void>